The Klick Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable and religious purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and dedicated to the:
- Prevention and reversal of community deterioration
- Advancement of economic opportunities and tourism in the areas of Long Prairie (MN), Lake Minnewaska (Pope County, MN), and Sauk Centre (MN);
- Promotion and facilitation of training for individuals to improve or develop their capabilities and/or educational opportunities;
- Provision of assistance for the relief of the poor, distressed, or under-privileged;
- Advancement of education and/or science;
- Elimination of prejudice or discrimination; and
- Promotion of Social Welfare.
In order to carry out the purposed of the foundation, the foundation shall strive to:
- Provide suitable grounds, buildings, apparatus and equipment;
- Provide prescribed programs, courses of study and discipline;
- Acquire and receive by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or in any other lawful manner real and personal property; to own. hold, use, enjoy, sell and encumber such real and personal property;
- Establish and administer endowment funds for the benefit of the corporation and its work; and
- Do all things necessary and incidental to the successful carrying forward of the purposes of this corporation in a manner consistent with applicable non-profit, charitable organizations laws.
All grants provided by the Klick Foundation require a matching grant of two dollars for each dollar granted. The Klick Foundation grants cannot be used for consulting or soft money purchases.
All grants require annual proof of all activities. Cooperation from grantees is necessary to receive continued funding in the case of long-term grant commitments. Additional questions can be answered by contacting the Klick Foundation.
People are best able to help themselves by doing and building their own livelihoods rather than being given money and public assistance without experienced direction.
Stephen r klick
Grants & Funding
The Klick Foundation is a private foundation and will make annual distributions to other organizations for religious and charitable purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation.
As potential grant recipients are identified, a Board member or appointed representative most familiar with the prospective grant recipient will arrange a meeting to follow-up on the questions outlined below to assist in determining eligibility and financial need. Based upon further discussions and a potential review by the Board, an agreed upon support level may be approved. Prior to any funding, the Board anticipates meeting with the potential grant recipients, although this is not required in some cases.
The Foundation will keep records of each potential recipient, including all supporting materials, along with records of each approved grant recipient, the amount and purpose of the grant, and the uses to which the grant is applied. The Foundation anticipates following up at least annually with all recipients to ensure the funds are being used properly and the objectives of the funds are being accomplished.
The Foundation will only make contributions to properly identified tax exempt organizations and will not make gifts to individuals or non-tax exempt entities. At the present time, the Foundation does not accept outside requests or applications, but supports organizations known to the Board or other family members. If you are familiar with the Board or family members and would like to be considered for a future grant application, please contact the Foundation.
Board of Directors
Stephen R Klick
Jennifer R Klick
Brady J Klick
Casey C Klick
Jesse J Klick
Stephanie B Bailey
Cole P Klick
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering Scholarship Application